Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Happy Boxing Day

When I was a young lad, I would often notice on calendars that featured international holidays that December 26th was Boxing Day in Great Britain and Canada. How funny, I thought, that there was a holiday devoted to the pugilistic sport practiced by Muhammed Ali, Sugar Ray Robinson, and Rocky Marciano. While a few fists may be swung today by those who prefer a good "pub crawl" over peace on earth and goodwill toward men, this is the day where by Victorian-era tradition the wrapping paper and other remnants from the previous day's festivities are boxed up (and gifts are made to the family's serving staff). Today is also the day when friends venture out and call upon other friends to share in post-Christmas food and libation. Sarah and I shall be partaking in this tradition later today, as we call upon a few of our friends who live in the area.

After the holidays, the Amazing Carnac and I are sending in our turbans and crystal balls for an unscheduled tune-up. Despite our continuing sub and near-freezing temperatures, the Christmas Day snowfall that "we" predicted has instead manifested itself as fog and light rain showers (with ice on the ground) throughout the country.

There was, however, nothing frosty about the Queen's annual Christmas Message. Broadcast yesterday afternoon on the BBC, Her Majesty's very moving words almost brought a tear to my eye. She might just make a monarchist out of this American colonist, yet. With a little technical advice and consultation provided by her two grandchildren, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie of York, Her Majesty has gone "cyber." The speech (plus many other very interesting items) can be viewed on the Queen's new You Tube webpage ( In addition to viewing videos of narcissistic teens hurling themselves and their skateboards off speeding locomotives while attempting to evoke the lyrics of Amy Winehouse, visitors to You Tube can now also catch a high-tech glimpse into the life of this country's monarch.

To echo Her Majesty's closing comments, ...And so I wish you all, young and old, wherever you may be, all the fun and enjoyment and the peace of a very happy Christmas.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

It's Going To Be A White Christmas

Ice storms are stretching across the midwest section of the United States, and those of us who reside in England's Ribble Valley awoke this morning to find frost on our roofs and a sub-freezing air temperature of 25 degrees Fahrenheit. You don't have to be the Amazing Carnac to figure out that winter has finally arrived. Carnac and I have pressed our turbans together and we predict that the village is going to wake up to a White Christmas of Bing Crosby proportions this year. We had a very similar picture postcard experience two years ago. This photographer is already prepared to capture the Winter Wonderland of England during the coming weeks.

Speaking of Christmas...

Cards and parcels have been sent out during the past few days to all of our family, friends, and other loved ones on both sides of the pond. Between the cooperative efforts of the Royal Mail and the U.S. Postal Service, we're hoping that everything arrives at their intended destinations within the next week.